• 04/26/2024

    The city council in Liberec has approved plans for a new cable car leading to the top of Ještěd Mountain after the old cable car was irreparably damaged in an accident in 2021. According to the plans approved, the new cable car will have one cabin and will be extended to the tram line in Horní Hanychov. Ideally, construction of the cable car should begin in 2026 and it could be in operation by January 2029.

  • 04/26/2024

    The Pirate Party of the governing coalition has strongly rejected a proposal put forward by their coalition partner, the Christian Democrats, to increase social insurance contributions for childless people. They say the plan is controversial and unjust, since it would punish people who cannot or do not want to have children. Pirate Party leader Ivan Bartoš said that in his opinion the state should rather focus on helping parents with things like available crèches and kindergartens and flexible working hours.

  • 04/26/2024

    President Petr Pavel will receive German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Prague Castle on Monday at the start of his two-day visit to Czechia. On Tuesday the two heads of state will jointly open a conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union. President Steinmeier’s talks in Prague are expected to focus on the upcoming European elections, support for Ukraine, global security and energy issues, business and trade and cross-border cooperation.

  • 04/26/2024

    Russian imperialism is the greatest threat to European security and it is in Europe's vested interest to help Ukraine defend itself, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said after a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart Péter Szijjártó in Budapest on Friday. Szijjártó reiterated Hungary's position, saying that Hungary refuses to supply arms to Ukraine because military supplies will only prolong the war. He once again stressed the need for peace talks. Ahead of their meeting, the Czech head of diplomacy said that it is important to maintain dialogue with Hungary, despite their differing views on the war in Ukraine. The two sides also discussed bilateral and regional cooperation.

  • 04/26/2024

    Saturday should be clear to partly cloudy and mostly dry with day temperatures between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius.

  • 04/26/2024

    Czech chemical company Synthesia plans to increase its production of nitrocellulose, a key material needed for the production of gunpowder, by 16 percent from the 6,000 tonnes a year it currently produces, Czech daily e15 reports. The company has already started investing in increasing its production capacity and the process should be complete by the end of 2026. Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the company has been unable to meet the demand of arms makers.

    According to Czech Defence and Security Industry Association head Jiří Hynek, there are only three major producers of nitrocellulose in Europe, in France, Serbia and Czechia respectively, with Synthesia being the largest in terms of nitrocellulose production for the arms industry.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/26/2024

    A convoy of historic army vehicles passed through Prague on Friday before heading to western and southern Bohemia, in order to commemorate 79 years since the end of the Second World War and pay tribute to the US soliders who liberated that part of Czechoslovakia in 1945. The event has been held annually on the last Friday in April since 2005.

    The convoy of 16 vehicles and two motorbikes set off from the Vltava embankment in Prague's Malá Strana district and stopped by the American embassy, before heading onwards to the parts of Czechoslovakia liberated by the US army at the end of World War II. The anniversary will culminate with Freedom Celebrations in Plzeň from May 3 - May 6 which include a military-historical and cultural program, outdoor gatherings, concerts, exhibitions and meetings with veterans.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/25/2024

    MP Helena Langšádlová has resigned from the post of Science, Research and Innovation Minister, her party TOP 09 announced in a press release on Thursday. At a press briefing on Thursday afternoon, Ms. Langšádlová said she had underestimated the communication side of the role but will remain an MP for TOP 09. She will continue to work on the fight against disinformation and will join the parliamentary committee for hybrid threats.

    The outgoing science minister told Czech daily Deník N in an interview earlier on Thursday that she had decided to resign because she had lost the support of her party, which didn't like the fact that she wasn't able to sell her work to the public.

    The party leadership wants to discuss who will replace her as science minister with Prime Minister Petr Fiala and President Petr Pavel.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/25/2024

    Friday is expected to be mostly overcast but dry, with a chance of some sunshine in the morning. Daytime temperatures should range between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 04/25/2024

    The shooting at Charles University's Faculty of Arts in December and related events had a significant psychological impact on 9,000 people, according to police estimates. The Czech Police published a report on their website on Thursday about the psychological assistance provided to people affected by the tragedy. By mid-February, the police had recorded over 6,500 instances of individuals receiving professional psychological support or other services in the field of mental health in connection with the shooting, with hundreds of experts from the Integrated Rescue System and partner organisations providing them with support and crisis intervention.

    Author: Anna Fodor
