News of Radio Prague

Men released from custody after Ruzyne scare

Four foreigners who were arrested at Prague's Ruzyne airport on Friday, in connection with a suspected chemical attack, were released from police custody the following morning after it was determined that their British passports were indeed not forged. The men were arrested after two of them, both of Afghan origin, had spilt an unidentified liquid in the airport's main terminal. The scare turned out to be a false alarm after chemical analysis determined that the liquid was plain water. The incident, however, occurred at an inappropriate time as on the same day, Interior Minister Stanislav Gross assured a group of Palestinian, Algerian, and Egyptian delegates that the ongoing international campaign against terrorism would not result in the Arab community being treated differently by Czech authorities.

Gay and Lesbian Community gathers in Prague to raise awareness

On Saturday afternoon, some 400 members and supporters of the country's gay and lesbian community gathered at Prague's Namesti Miru square. Using pamphlets, flyers, and questionnaires the public was informed about the homosexual community and about a proposed law on same-sex partnerships. The law, which would support registered partnerships, making it possible for members of the same sex to enjoy much of the rights enjoyed by married couples, except for the right to adopt a child, was already approved by the Czech government. It now needs to go through parliament where the number of MPs supporting it almost equals that opposing it.

Saturday - day against drugs

The Parents Against Drugs Association has called Saturday the day against drugs. In light of this day, the Interior Ministry has urged teachers and parents to talk to children and teenagers about the negative effects of drug abuse. Ministry representatives stressed that smoking and the consumption of alcohol and medicine in the presence of children sends out the message of it being okay. Parents were also asked to show an interest in their children's activities, giving them advice on how to react if offered drugs. The ministry has also launched a literary children's competition called 'The way I see it' with the topic of this month being 'You and Drugs'.

UN donates money to Czech anti-drug campaign

And staying with the fight against drug abuse, the EU, in connection with its PHARE programme, has agreed to donate some 33.5 million Czech crowns to the Czech Republic to help in its anti-drug programme. Much of the money will be used in the establishment of the National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug-related issues, which will be in charge of the gathering of all drug and drug-related information.


And finally a quick look at the weather forecast. Saturday night shall see partially clear skies with early morning fog and temperatures between 5 and 9 degrees Celsius. Sunday will have clear skies with temperatures between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius.