News Friday, SEPTEMBER 08th, 2000

By Alena Skodova

Those were the main points and now the news in detail:

European parliament passed a resolution on Temelin nuclear power plant

Just a few days before the planned launching of the Czech nuclear power station in Temelin, the European Parliament on Thursday passed a resolution on this controversial Czech plant. The resolution claims that Czech studies on the plant's environmental impact are insufficient and it also calls on Prague to provide detailed information to international experts so that they can assess its safety. Despite the fact that the resolution has been approved, the majority of Czech MPs do not see it as a reason for the Czech Republic to delay starting operations at the plant. Centre-right Civic Democrat MP Jan Zahradil told the CTK news agency that the resolution contains incorrect information as far as the technical parameters of the plant are concerned.

Austrian and Bavarian environmentalists will block border crossings with CR

Meanwhile Austrian anti-nuclear activists plan a blockade on Monday of six border crossings between Southern Bohemia and Upper and Lower Austria over the Czech nuclear power station. Relations between the Czech Republic and Austria are strained over Temelin, which is just 60 kilometres from the border with Upper Austria and is due to go on line this month. Other protest actions are to be staged at the Philippreuth border crossing between the Czech Republic and Germany, and Bavarian environmentalists are planning a huge demonstration at the site next week.

Madeleine Albright received award from president Havel

At the Millenium summit in New York, the Czech president Vaclav Havel has given US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright an award from the American Friends of the Czech Republic association for her merits in the field of international justice and human rights. President Havel described Mrs. Albright as the most influential woman in the present world, and praised her role in fighting for human rights all around the world. Vaclav Havel will present a speech at the summit on Friday, which will include his ideas about possible reform of the United Nations Organization.