
President rejects prime minister's request on partnership law

President Vaclav Klaus has rejected a written request by the prime minister urging the president to sign a bill on same-sex partnerships, which has been passed in both houses of Parliament. Through a spokesman on Sunday Mr Klaus criticised the prime minister, indicating he would not allow himself to be dragged into what he called a 'pre-election campaign'. The bill on same-sex partnerships recognises gays and lesbians' right to inherit from their partner, and also allows access to medical information. But, the president has suggested the bill is a threat to traditional institutions - namely traditional marriage. Mr Klaus has until next Thursday to decide whether to sign the bill, to veto it, or to allow it to pass into law minus his signature.

Former head of National Security Office admits to mistakes

The former head of the National Security Office, Jan Mares, has admitted to mistakes made in office, including accepting a luxury watch as a Christmas present from a group involved with a well-known bankruptcy judge under investigation by police. Jan Mares stepped down as the head of the National Security Office last week under suspicion of corruption. On a TV discussion programme on Sunday he maintained his innocence, saying he had no idea that the watch was a luxury antique. He later returned the gift, but allegedly only after media reports surfaced over the Berka gang's alleged criminal activities.

Neummanova wins silver medal in Women's 15 kilometre pursuit

Cross-country skier Katerina Neummanova finished second in the Women's 15 kilometre pursuit at the XX Olympic Winter Games in Turin, Italy. Neumannova finished just two seconds behind the winner Kristina Smigun of Estonia. Neumannova's silver finish is the first medal for a Czech in the Olympics which kicked-off Friday. Despite the close finish, Ms Neummanova's trainer expressed disappointment. Ms Neumannova has four medals from previous Games, (three silver and one bronze), but has yet to win gold.


Sunny weather is expected on Monday, with daytime temperatures reaching 1 degree Celsius.