
Telicka in Prague to hold talks with Gross

The Czech Republic's European Commissioner Pavel Telicka has arrived in Prague, where he hopes to meet with acting leader of the Social Democrats and prime minister-designate Stanislav Gross. On Friday, the ruling coalition parties agreed to replace Mr Telicka by the outgoing Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla. This means that Mr Telicka could loose his post in Brussels as early as in one month. Mr Telicka first heard about his replacement from a friend just before the news was made official at a press conference on Friday.

International neo-Nazi organisation back in the Czech Republic

Czech police have confirmed the international neo-Nazi organisation Blood and Honour has resumed its activity in the Czech Republic. As Czech Television has been reporting, members of the extremist grouping plan to celebrate their come-back this weekend. The organisation's activities in the Czech Republic stopped after six of its leaders were arrested in 1999. Police believe there are now some one-hundred members in the Czech Republic, whose main activity is the sale of music and other things promoting the neo-Nazi movement. Blood and honour is a member of the British National Socialist Alliance and linked to the militant Combat 18 grouping, which openly calls on people to attack members of the Jewish and Roma communities.

Uherske Hradiste Summer Film School holds "Chinese day"

The second day of the 30th Summer Film School in the south Moravian town Uherske Hradiste continues with a "Chinese Day" on Saturday. The renowned festival hopes to attract visitors with performances by a traditional Chinese theatre group, films on the Chinese community abroad as well as life in China, and a concert by composer, guitarist, bassist, and singer Vladimir Vaclavek accompanied by the popular Feng-Jun Song, a Chinese singer who has been living in the Czech Republic for several years. The festival continues until August 1 with some 400 screenings and other accompanying events.

Next IAU general assembly to be held in Prague

The 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) at which several thousand astronomers from around the world come together to debate about the state of the universe will be held in Prague. According to Pavel Suchan from the Academy of Science's Astronomy Institute, the assembly is scheduled for 2006. The last time Prague, a city with a rich astronomical history going back to the mid-14th century, hosted the general assembly was in 1967. It has attracted many of the world's greatest astronomers and physicists including Albert Einstein (from 1911-1912), Johannes Kepler (from 1600 - 1612), Christian Doppler (1835 - 1847), and Tycho Brahe who is buried in the city's Tyn church.


Sunday should see partially clear skies with occasional showers. Day-time temperatures should range from 22-26 degrees Celsius.