Nerudová, Síkela in frame for Euro Commissioner – which most fits bill?

The Mayors party, who have a say in the matter under the coalition deal, have announced they will put forward both Danuše Nerudová and Jozef Síkela for next Czech European commissioner – with the government to decide on a candidate by August. I discussed the pair’s chances, and other aspects of the process, with Klára Votavová of the think tank Europeum.

The government will decide soon on their candidate for next European commissioner. Already we’ve seen Prime Minister Fiala saying that Czechia would like an economic portfolio. But can countries, especially smaller ones like Czechia, actually influence this?

Klára Votavová | Photo: Vladimír Staněk,  Karolína Němcová,  Czech Radio

“I think it’s fair to say that not being a country that’s in the Eurozone can be somewhat limiting in these ambitions.

“The Czech Republic has pretty much always wanted to get a strong economic portfolio. This is not a new ambition.

“Maybe the closest we have ever got to that was Social Affairs, with Vladimír Špidla, 15 or 20 years ago.

“The Czech Republic has always been very keen on the single market – that’s really one of the key tenets of Czech EU policy – and in that sense it makes sense that the country wants it.

“But at the same time maybe if we shift our focus to other issues, such as security or energy, then I think that we have a better chance than in the single market, for example.”

How does a country benefit if it actually gets a relatively important portfolio? Is it simply a matter of prestige, or is there some practical benefit?

Věra Jourová | Photo: Zuzana Jarolímková,

“I think it’s in large part a matter of prestige, because it also needs to be understood that the commissioners are not really there to represent the interests of the nation state; they are supposed to represent the interests of the entire EU.

“For instance if you look at Věra Jourová, who was the commissioner up till now, she was, I think, quite disconnected from Czech politics.

“Andrej Babiš was the person who nominated her and sometimes she was against his policies.

“So I don’t think it’s actually as important as it may sound.”

You mentioned the outgoing Czech commissioner, Věra Jourová, who has been Deputy President for Values and Transparency. How should we view her role? Was she successful in her second term at the Commission?

Danuše Nerudová | Photo: Barbora Navrátilová,  Radio Prague International

“On the level of prestige, on the level of how she was perceived, she was very successful.

“In terms of what she was actually able to do it’s more difficult because she wasn’t maybe given the means.

“But she did do some interesting legislation, like the Media Freedom Act, for instance.”

If Czechia puts forward either Jozef Síkela, who is minister for industry and trade, or Danuše Nerudová, a freshly elected MEP, they, as commissioner-designate, would undergo what’s called grilling at the European Parliament. How difficult is that process to get through?

“If you don’t have really big issues then you usually pass. The last time one or two commissioners needed to be exchanged after the European Parliament grilling.

“So it is difficult for them, of course, but I think it’s actually more difficult for them to get the nomination in the nation state.”

Of those two candidates, Síkela or Nerudová, which do you think would have a greater chance of success, or of being accepted, by the European Parliament?

Jozef Síkela | Photo: Office of Czech Government

“I think in general, not just by the European Parliament, Síkela would be viewed better.

“It’s because he has experience from a ministry. That usually is a very important qualification – that you have already led a ministry.

“At the same time, he is known from the international banking sector and also made quite a good reputation for himself during the Czech EU presidency and the energy crisis of 2022.

“It’s not necessarily for the European Parliament, but when the president of the Commission is making his college I think it would be more probably for him to get a stronger portfolio, such as for instance energy.”