Metamorphosis: this year’s TEDxPrague all about “Change”

  • Metamorphosis: this year’s TEDxPrague all about “Change”

This year’s TEDx Prague theme, Metamorphosis, held on November 23 in Prague focuses on the topic of change. Here I interview the program lead for the event, Markéta Jedličková, to gauge the vision for the event and what attendees can expect. This year’s TEDx features a lineup of thought-provoking speakers and, even, musical performances, all aimed at inspiring listeners to explore new ideas and connect with the community.

Can you share the theme for this year’s TEDx Prague event and what you hope attendees will take away from the event?

“This year’s topic is ‘Metamorphosis.’ We would like to focus on changes to the world, society, but also ourselves because we feel the topic is important to us.”

Photo: TEDx Prague

So, it really seems like a global topic. Have your previous topics focused on the local Prague scene or are you attracting that international audience?

“I would say, yes, Czech Republic and Prague. Because the x behind TED is meant to signify locally organized, so it’s for communities around the city and narrow audiences.”

Can you touch on the evolution of TEDx Prague? How have you seen growth in recent years?

“TEDxPrague began in 2009. That was the first general event. Since then we have expanded to include also more specialized events, such as TEDxPragueWomen, TEDxPragueYouth focused on younger generations, and TEDxPrague Countdown, which centered on sustainability, TEDxPragueEd, dedicated to education, and so on. So, it’s now increasingly for a wider audience.”

And what about this year’s events, maybe some speakers, highlights of the event for yourself?

“I’m personally looking forward to each of them because I feel they all have something worth sharing, that’s why we chose them. I am very much looking forward to speaker Terezie Kovalová playing cello. I feel like it will be a unique experience. And she will then talk about the evolution of technical production and the resistance of people against these changes.

Photo: TEDx Prague

“But there’s also a Czech sociologist, Pavel Pospěch. He will give more insights about ourselves from a macro point of view. On top of these great talks, I believe there will also be some unique performances such as from Crazy Road. He created a choreography for the topic of this year’s event. And there will also be a dance by two ballet dancers from the National Theater.”

And getting a helicopter view for potential attendees, or for people who never had the opportunity to attend one of your events, how would you describe it? What’s the event like?

“I think the TEDx events are for anybody who wants to find something new about this world or themselves. It’s also about the community who organize it. The audience of TEDx events is different; it’s very ‘homey’ even. The events are very special because they are also organized by volunteers from this community.”

You can attend this year's TEDx on November 23 at the Nová Spirála Theater by Prague’s Výstaviště.