Jazz great to combine talents with the Czech Philharmonic

American trumpet player Wynton Marsalis, one of the world's most popular jazz musicians, arrived in Prague this week on the first leg of his autumn 2000 tour. Marsalis will be performing in the capital throughout the week, bringing his unique blend of jazz and classical styles to the jazz-loving Czech public. Pavla Navratilova caught up with the master musician and brings back this report:

Wynton Marsalis is most probably one of the finest jazz musicians alive today. He and his organization, Jazz at Lincoln Center, are bringing to Prague not only the music of legends such as Louie Armstrong, but also his own work. His compositions graft classical music onto jazz and big band influences, and will be performed with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. The aim of his organization Jazz at Lincoln Centre is not only to entertain, but also to teach an appreciation for jazz, as Marsalis himself explains: And you can see Wynton Marsalis perform his composition with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Thursday and Friday night, while his dance concert is at Prague's Lucerna this Saturday.

Author: Pavla Navrátilová
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