Iranian film festival attracts international attention

If you're looking for something to do tonight, but don't fancy the latest blockbuster or a classical concert, here's a tip: this week Prague hosts an Iranian Film Festival in Prague. The festival at Prague's Kveten cinema features films by Iran's best-known directors, as well as an exhibition of Iranian art. Pavla Navratilova reports:

Jana Hyklova is in charge of importing Iranian films for Czech Television. She is quick to point out that Iranian film has evolved enormously over the last 25 years. After the Islamic revolution in 1979, the new regime changed the regulations of filmmaking, placing tight restrictions on the content of Iranian cinema. Mrs Hyklova says that a new style of cinema emerged in these new, closed conditions: As in past festivals, one of Iran's foremost Iranian film directors is making a guest appearance. On Friday evening, the festival welcomed to Prague Rahsham Bani-Etemad, and one of her most popular films "The Blue-Veiled". Bani-Etemad has been directing for both TV and cinema for over two decades and has eight full-feature films under her belt. I caught up with her at the opening: "The Colours of Paradise" by the Oscar-nominated Iranian director Majid Majidi, ending that report from Pavla Navratilova. The film will be shown on Wednesday evening with English subtitles at the Kveten theatre.

Author: Pavla Navrátilová
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