Interior Minister calls for tolerance in wake of Brno stabbing

Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan has called on people not to allow themselves to be manipulated into prejudice and hatred following an incident that occurred on Saturday in Brno, where a man, cited by several sources as being of Ukrainian nationality, stabbed two men, one of whom died as a result of his injuries. The dead man was of Roma origin. According to Seznam Zprávy, the attack has prompted a wave of anti-Ukrainian and xenophobic reactions.

Mr. Rakušan said on Twitter that like all tragic events, this incident has stirred up emotions in people, but called on the public not to allow themselves to be manipulated by those who would use the opportunity to incite hatred and xenophobia. He added that the emotions people are feeling are completely understandable, but using one person's crime to incite hatred and intolerance against an entire group is as reprehensible as the violence itself.

Author: Anna Fodor