Horrific footage reveals animal abuse on Czech farms

The animal rights group 'We do not eat animals' has released shocking footage of abuse in twelve cattle farms. It shows employees beating, kicking, and hitting animals with sticks, dragging them by chains around their necks behind tractors, and verbally abusing them. The group claims that the large number of documented cases proves this is not isolated misconduct but rather a common practice.

The video is truly shocking. It shows people mistreating cattle in every imaginable way. The footage was shot over two years using hidden cameras in the South Bohemia and Vysočina Regions, but it is unclear whether it can be legally used in court. Kamil Malát, the head of the Czech Beef Breeders Association, says that such practices do not make sense even for the farmers themselves:

"Every reasonable farmer who raises animals for effective use is, of course, well aware that if they treat the animals incorrectly or even mistreat them, it will naturally result in a drop in productivity, which will ultimately impact their wallet. So, this is certainly not acceptable. On the other hand, this seems more like a failure of individuals who behave this way, and it’s an issue that should be addressed within the company itself."

Ondřej Semerád is the general director of the State Veterinary Administration:

Director of the State Veterinary Administration Zbyněk Semerád | Photo: Jana Přinosilová,  Czech Radio

"These are definitely not recordings that you would want to see in any animal enclosure. These are recordings of inappropriate behavior, even clear-cut animal torture."

The state authorities will take action:

"We are preparing inspections, but we haven’t started any yet. We need to identify the farms, and we will ask the foundation or the non-profit organization to provide us with videos that include timestamps so we can address the specific cases. At the same time, we are preparing a broader inspection action for suppliers to the Madeta company, and we will examine how they care for the animals and handle them, especially during milking or perhaps even in the evening hours, in cases where there are usually large numbers of calving animals."

"If it is proven that animals were injured, we will act. Although I assume that these recordings are not very recent, as it was stated that they were filmed over several months — this means we won’t find those specific animals. But if we did, of course, they would have to be treated. However, there were animals being dragged by a chain behind or with a loader, and those are certainly not animals that are still living there. We will investigate this because it is absolutely unacceptable and constitutes animal cruelty in every sense."

And, as Ondřej Semerád says, charges will likely be filed:

"In the case of prosecuting an individual, the penalty can be up to 1 million CZK, but under certain circumstances, for example, when there is manipulation with loaders and transporters of the animals, it can also be considered a criminal act, and the case can be referred to the police for investigation as a criminal offense."

Ondřej Semerád, head of the Czech State Veterinary Administration. The Czech dairy company Madeta, which collects milk from the farms shown in the video, has strongly condemned the shocking treatment of the animals.