articles by the author
The best burgers in Prague
It’s been a long time since the days when a Big Mac was the only hamburger around town. Since then burger bistros have become some of the most popular eateries in Prague…
A perfect coffee break
As a former barista and caffeine addict, one of my first priorities when coming to Prague was to find a good coffee shop, also known as a kavarna in Czech. Along the way I…
The trials and tribulations of Czech "polední" menus
My mother always told me that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, but in Prague, that statement has some real competition against the mid day meal that…
A Slovenian's passion for food results in dynamic culinary concept
Many foreigners who settle down in Prague are opening their own small restaurants and food specialty shops, bringing their country’s food culture to the Czech Republic…
A culinary adventure hailing from Slovenia
Whenever I go to a new city one of my first tasks is to get lost on an empty stomach. There is such an incredible rush I get when on the search for something new to…
A desperate search for Mexican food in Prague
As a Southern California native, Mexican food is not just a fundamental part of my diet, it’s a staple. While I tried to load up on as many burritos as I could before I…
A Vietnamese paradise in the heart of the Czech Republic
For anyone in the Czech Republic wanting to experience the freshest and most authentic Vietnamese dishes, my advice is: skip the travel agent – you don’t need a ticket to…
First Impressions of the Czech Food Culture
An American’s perspective on how beer and pub culture signifies the collective spirit of Czech society. This foodie travels to the land where beer is cheaper than water…