FW de Klerk talks of challenges posed by globalisation

The challenges posed to humankind by globalisation has been the main focus of this year's Forum 2000 conference, which is underway at Prague Castle. Renowned speakers, thinkers, religious and political leaders have discussed the impact of globalisation on religion and culture at the beginning of the new millennium. One of those was former South African President FW de Klerk, who spoke of the benefits and dangers of globalisation, and the challenges for the future. Nick Carey was there and brings this report:

On Wednesday former South African President FW de Klerk delivered arguably one of the best speeches so far. Mr. de Klerk first described a globalised world in which people are becoming more and more uniform: Mr. de Klerk's speech was warmly received by the audience. But at a press conference held afterwards, he stated that whatever discussions were held at Forum 2000, they remain completely irrelevant to millions of people suffering from poverty and hunger. I asked Mr. de Klerk that if this was indeed the case, do the discussions really have any relevance: