FAMU student film SH_T HAPPENS qualifies for OSCAR nominations

Film SH_T HAPPENS, source: FAMU
  • FAMU student film SH_T HAPPENS qualifies for OSCAR nominations

The Czech-Slovak-French co-production SH_T HAPPENS, directed by FAMU students Michaela Mihályi and Dávid Štumpf, has qualified for the 2021 Oscar nominations. If it succeeds, it will be the second year running that a Czech animated film receives an Oscar nomination after Daria Kashcheeva’s Daughter made the list in 2020. I asked the producer of SH_T HAPPENS, Peter Badač, how he feels about being considered for the Oscars.

Peter Badač,  photo: Czech Radio

“I think it is a great success for Czech animation and shows that it is headed in the right direction.

“Czech animation was always successful, but lately, in part because of movies such as last year’s Oscar nominee Daughter and the work of other professional animators, they have become very successful worldwide. They perform well at festivals and receive many awards.

“I think there is a new generation of animators that are doing great work and it is a confirmation that we are doing it right.”

How did you manage to get onto the list?

Film SH_T HAPPENS,  source: FAMU

“The Academy has several options for how you can be nominated. One is to win a film festival. The

other is to get screened in Los Angeles or New York. That was quite difficult this year, because cinemas were closed. Therefore, the Academy also allowed online distribution and that is how managed to qualify.

“Now we will see. In February, the top ten animated shorts should be announced from which the final nominees will then be announced in March.”

What is SH_T HAPPENS about?

Film SH_T HAPPENS,  source: FAMU

“SH_IT HAPPENS is a short animated film that combines drawing techniques with Risomat, a Japanese printer that works with special colours.

“The story of the animated short is quite basic. It revolves around a tired handyman and his wife who is in need of his attention. The handyman is tired from doing all of his work and the wife therefore tries to find attention somewhere else.”

Why do you think FAMU students are so successful when it comes to animated films?

Film SH_T HAPPENS,  source: FAMU

“I think the teachers who teach the students at FAMU are a big factor. They broaden the mind of their students while also letting them do what they want. That is a fundamental part of the success of FAMU students, not just in terms of the work that they do while they are studying at the institution but also after they graduate.”

Aside from the Oscars, SH_T HAPPENS has also qualified for the French César awards nominations for best animated short. The final list of nominees should be announced at the end of January.