Fagan gives CEZ 30 more days to hand over documents

The U.S. lawyer Ed Fagan has given the Czech power utility CEZ one more month in which to hand over documents relating to safety at the Temelin nuclear power plant in South Bohemia. Following an inspection tour of the plant on Tuesday, Mr. Fagan told journalists that if he did not receive full documentation on Temelin's safety within 30 days, he would take the matter to court. The famous American lawyer has been recruited by Austrian anti-nuclear activists in a bid to prevent the plant going into commercial operation on the grounds that it allegedly fails to meet strict international safety norms. Meanwhile, representatives of the power utility CEZ, which built and operates Temelin, said they were not worried by the threat of a court case since they had fully adhered to both Czech and international safety standards during the plant's construction and trial operation. A CEZ spokesman told reporters that the power utility had already released as much information as possible without compromising trade secrets.