Expats Bulletin

Photo: Barbora Kmentová

Today we travel with Andrew to Petrská near Palladium to review a Sushi restaurant. This restaurant being Hanabi. Andrew fails miserably with his chop sticks and I get into a Wasabi incident. After that we announce the winner of our Riddle contest and we repeat the riddle. You can find the answer on our Facebook page.

Photo: Barbora Kmentová
Today we travel with Andrew to Petrská near Palladium to review a Sushi restaurant. This restaurant being Hanabi. Andrew fails miserably with his chop sticks and I get into a Wasabi incident. After that we announce the winner of our Riddle contest and we repeat the riddle. You can find the answer on our Facebook page. Write to us at [email protected] and like us on Facebook.