Czechoslovak Independence Day celebrations being held around the country

Events are being held around the country to mark Czechoslovak Independence Day commemorating the founding of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918 and honouring the country’s co-founder and first president Tomas Guarrigue Masaryk.

A commemorative ceremony, honouring those who laid down their lives for the country, took place at the Vitkov Memorial in Prague attended by President Petr Pavel, Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Defense Minister Jana Černochová, Chief of the Army General Staff Karel Řehka and other high-ranking officials.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala told journalists that the present day Czech Republic is built on the traditions and values of the First Republic. "In addition to gratitude, we should also feel responsible for what we have and strive to maintain it, so as to pass on a prosperous, free country to the next generation," he said.

In line with tradition, President Petr Pavel appointed a number of servicemen to the rank of general at Prague Castle on the occasion of the anniversary. Among the 16 appointees are former BIS intelligence operations chief Petr Špaček and the first deputy director of the General Directorate of Customs, David Chovanec.

The country’s top politicians, cultural figures, academics and members of the public laid flowers at the  statue of Czechoslovakia’s first president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk on Hradčany Square.

The highlight of the celebrations is a ceremony at Prague Castle on Saturday evening, at which President Pavel will hand out high state distinctions to 60 people for outstanding services to the country.