Czech TV journalists celebrate as Hodac resigns

CT news was broadcast on a giant screen before the cheering crowd on Wenceslas Square Thursday evening

Jiri Hodac resigned as the head of Czech Television yesterday, after three weeks of turmoil at the country's public TV network. It seems Mr Hodac finally lost his resolve to carry on against overwhelming odds - the news of his resignation broke just hours before some 60,000 people gathered on Prague's Wenceslas Square to call for his resignation, and ahead of Friday's parliamentary session which would have decided his fate if he chose to stay on. This was the moment that Mr Hodac's resignation was announced on the evening news, relayed live to the crowd on Wenceslas Square. Rob Cameron was there.

But Mr Hodac's resignation has not completely resolved the immediate crisis at Czech Television - the rebel journalists who opposed him remain on strike. Jan Molacek is one them: Does CT crisis mark revolution in Czech society?

But was the crisis the only reason why thousands of people gathered on Wenceslas Square last night, or was it merely a catalyst for wider dissatisfaction with the current political situation in the Czech Republic? A question Radio Prague's Nick Carey put to philosophy professor Erazim Kohak.