Czech top officials congratulate US president-elect Joe Biden

Czech top officials have congratulated Joe Biden on his election as the next president of the United States. President Miloš Zeman said Mr. Biden’s victory confirmed the US people’s desire for change and expressed the hope that the new US administration would bring a fresh impulse in relations both with the European Union and the Czech Republic.

“Just as Europe needs the United States, the United States needs Europe, and it is my hope that the Biden administration will favour cooperation and trade rather than protectionism and restrictions” the president said.

He said Czech-US relations were excellent, but there was always room for improvement, and the Czech Republic was ready to actively contribute to it.

Prime Minister Andrej Babiš likewise congratulated the new US president-elect, expressing the hope that the Biden administration would strengthen Transatlantic ties, respect allied commitments to NATO  and work for a trade agreement with the EU.

Czech Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček said “I look forward to working with the new US administration. I believe that we will be able to further deepen mutual relations and strengthen Transatlantic ties."

Deputy prime Minister and Social Democrat leader Jan Hamacek said Joe Biden’s victory presented an opportunity to strengthen Transatlantic cooperation and Czech-US relations.

The leader of the opposition Civic Democrats Petr Fiala welcomed Joe Biden’s victory saying it was especially important since “the US has a key role to play in terms of Europe's security, defense of democracy and freedom in the world.”

The head of the Pirate Party Ivan Bartoš wrote: Joe Biden's victory marks a new era for Europe and the US to work together in meeting the challenges we face: climate change, the growing influence of authoritarian states and economic recovery post-coronavirus. "