Council of Europe's Political Affairs Committee meets in Prague

The Political Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe ended a two-day meeting in Prague on Tuesday. The committee dealt with such issues as the proposed changes in the structure and system of work of the United Nations, as well as the political situation in Chechnya, Belarus and Yugoslavia. Olga Szantova has the story.

The Political Affairs Committee is one of the Council of Europe's most important bodies. It meets regularly in France, and once a year in one of the Council of Europe's member states. The Committee's chairman, Terry Davis, explained why Prague had been chosen for this meeting: But there was also another reason for this, says Czech MP Vlasta Stepova, who is a member of the Political Affairs Committee and vice-president of the Council of Europe. The members of the Political Affairs Committee visited the South Bohemian town of Cesky Krumlov, where they met with representatives of the local Roma community. This meeting made a favorable impression on Terry Davis:

Author: Olga Szantová
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