Česká pošta to split into two entities next year

Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan (Mayors and Independents Party) announced details regarding the transformation of Česká pošta. The state enterprise will split into two entities next year: one focusing on basic postal and state-related services, and the other, Balíkovna, specializing in commercial parcel services. Balíkovna, the commercial postal service provider, will be separated from Česká pošta into an independent company on April 1, 2025. Initially, it will remain state-owned to assess its independent performance before any potential sale. Česká pošta will continue operating its 2,900 branches under a new postal license while expanding services like handling government and health insurance tasks. It has managed to reduce its significant losses from previous years and is expected to operate with a "red zero" result in 2024. Its 20,000 employees will receive a 10 percent salary increase.

Author: Vít Pohanka