Business News

The Czech Internet market has entered a stage of consolidation. While one of the largest projects has collapsed, others are subject to a wave of mergers and acquisitions. Do small start-up companies stand a chance of succeeding in this environment? Find out in this week's edition of Economic Report with Vladimir Tax.

Last week, I talked to the organizers of one of the Czech Republic's IT incubators, incubator e-konom, which is run by the leading Czech business magazine Ekonom. This non-profit project tries to create an environment where start-up IT firms can develop with the assistance of large IT companies, who provide them with offices, computers, mobile phones and other assistance - including good advice. The projects being incubated there include a WAP server which delivers up-to-the-minute information from the Czech ice hockey league to the display screens of mobile phones, an on-line arts gallery, and a real estate server. This week, I visited the team running, a real-estate server which goes beyond just listing offers and demands for property in the Czech Republic. Martin Krudenc is the mastermind of the project, but it was his partner, software developer Ladislav Strojil, who told me a little about how it worked. Mr Strojil is the software engineer of, a real estate internet server run by a start-up firm which is being nurtured in one of the country's new IT incubators.