Boris in Czechia: floods day 2


Czechia is facing extreme flooding for the 2nd day as Storm Boris wreaks havoc across the continent.

Czechia continues to face rising river levels, with the worst-hit areas in the Moravian-Silesian and northern Olomouc regions, both of which declared a state of emergency. Southern Bohemia is also experiencing issues from swollen rivers. Here is the summary of the main events on Sunday.

Evacuations in Krnov, Český Těšín, and Opava

Krnov | Photo: Ľubomír Smatana,  Czech Radio

Krnov ordered the evacuation of 1,000 residents from Dolní Kostelec and 13 other streets. Český Těšín evacuated its city center and Na Olšinách street early in the morning, while the Opava River continues to rise, prompting the evacuation of the Kateřinky neighborhood.

Infrastructure Damage in Northern Olomouc

The Bělá River cut off parts of the region by damaging the main I/44 highway between Jeseník and towns like Česká Ves, Písečná, and Mikulovice. Four people are missing, three from a car swept away in Jesenicko, and one man was carried away by a current in Uherské Hradiště.

Evacuation in Česká Ves | Photo: René Volfík,

Firefighter Response

Over the last three days, firefighters have dealt with nearly 6,000 incidents. Around 40 railway sections, especially in Jesenicko, are closed, and the main railway line between Prague and Ostrava is flooded at Studénka station.

Power Outages

On Sunday, more than 200,000 households were without power, with the worst outages in the Moravian-Silesian region affecting 114,000 customers. Olomouc and Hradec Králové regions were also significantly impacted with tens of thousands of homes without electricity.

Flooding in Krnov

Large parts of Krnov, including the town center, are submerged. According to the mayor, the situation mirrors the severe flooding of 1997, and damages are expected to reach billions of crowns.

Evacuations and Isolation in Villages

Villages like Česká Ves are cut off due to damaged roads, and evacuations were ordered in Bohuslavice, Leština, and other areas in the Olomouc region. Many residents, however, refused to leave their homes despite the danger.

Warnings from Firefighters

Bělá River in Česká Ves | Photo: René Volfík,

Firefighters in the Olomouc region urged residents to evacuate as the situation could deteriorate quickly, and returning to rescue efforts would endanger their lives.

Flood Risks in Central Bohemia

The Labe River in Mělník reached the third flood alert level, making it the only river in the region to do so.

Further Evacuations Possible

Evacuations could be ordered in Podhradí nad Dyjí and other areas, with rainfall expected to continue in the northeast until Monday.

Flood Warnings Across the Country

As of Sunday morning, flood warnings are in place at 257 locations, with one-third experiencing extreme floods. Hydrologists warn of more risks in the Jeseníky Mountains, the Ostrava region, and rivers in the Beskydy, Šumava, and Pardubice regions.

Vltava River in Prague

The Vltava River is rising in Prague, but there is no immediate flood threat to the capital.

Slowing Rise of River Levels

While rivers have been rising since Friday, the rate of new flood alerts has slowed. In Liberec, rainfall was light overnight, and river levels have mostly returned to normal.

Charles Bridge in Prague | Photo: Hana Slavická,  Radio Prague International
Author: Vít Pohanka | Source: ČTK
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