Babiš calls on nation to respect face mask rules, admits mistake in easing restrictions

In an address to the nation on Monday evening, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš called on Czechs to follow regulations on wearing face masks in order to protect the vulnerable from Covid-19. Mr. Babiš said it had been a mistake to ease measures aimed at containing the virus in the summer, when he had been lulled into a false sense of security by the country’s hitherto success in dealing with it and the atmosphere in society. Unfortunately the epidemic is back, he told TV viewers and radio listeners.

Regarding face masks the PM said nobody enjoyed such restrictions but that masks did not threaten democracy or freedom; rather not wearing them threatens lives, he said.

Mr. Babiš said his government did not wish to impose the kind of restrictions that halted the economy in spring. At the same time it had to place protecting citizens’ lives first and finding the balance between the two was difficult, he said.

Author: Ian Willoughby