"Antigone" at Drama Faculty with British director

Ancient Greek plays are rarely performed at Czech theatres nowadays. The Disk Theatre at the Drama Faculty in Prague, however, has decided to include Sophocles's "Antigone" in its repertoire, and the play is to premiere on Saturday. Alena Skodova has more:

Students from the 4th year of the Drama Faculty's Alternative Theatre Department have been rehearsing the play with a British director, Alex Byrne. This is not the first play Mr Byrne has directed in the Czech Republic. He has worked on two other performances at Czech theatres - one in Prague and one in Hradec Kralove. So why did he choose "Antigone" for this production? When asked what working with a British director was like, the students said they had to work much harder than with a Czech director. They said there were almost no language barriers, but that Alex pretended not to understand silly jokes they had made about him. Their work together must surely have been excellent, as the piece is only partly based on Sophocles's original text, while the bulk of the performance is improvisation: