Z for zodiac

Hello and welcome to the ABC of Czech, the Czech language series which follows the letters of the alphabet. Today we get to the last letter of the alphabet and our series is almost over. We are going to finish it on a lighter note as Z stands for the zodiac.

Hello and welcome to the ABC of Czech, the Czech language series which follows the letters of the alphabet. Today we get to the last letter of the alphabet and our series is almost over. We are going to finish it on a lighter note as Z stands for the zodiac.

Astrology or astrologie has many fans in this country, just like anywhere in the world. And there are perhaps as many sceptics who disapprove of such unscientific methods and would never have their birth chart or horoskop interpreted. If you belong to either of those groups or if you are completely indifferent to the issue, it might still be handy to at least know the Czech name of your star sign. You never know who might be interested.

The astrological year has twelve signs - znamení. It starts with the impulsive Aries or beran, literally meaning ram. It is followed by the sensual Taurus - býk, or bull. Gemini is next, translated as blí¾enci, the old word for twins. The Moon-ruled Cancer or rak, which means crayfish, comes after that. The sun-sign of most of those born in August is Leo, in Czech lev or lion. Its successor, Virgo, panna - literally virgin - is said to be precise and possessing a critical point of view. The Venus-ruled Libra has a sense of beauty and proportion and seeks balance and harmony. Its Czech name is váhy - the scales. The passionate and piercing Scorpio is the sun-sign of most of those born in November. In Czech it is called ¹tír, meaning, of course, scorpion. After Scorpio comes Sagittarius, who is supposed to be cheerful and carefree. The Czech equivalent is støelec, an archer. The ambitious and proud Capricorn or kozoroh is the sign ruling over most of January, followed by the communicative Aquarius or vodnáø. The last sign of the astrological year is the Pisces - ryby, or fish, who are supposed to be sensitive, compassionate and helpful.

This series may be over, but don't despair, if you've become used to your weekly dose of Czech, Radio Prague has more Czech language programmes in store for you. But that's all for now, so until next time - na shledanou, good bye, and if you are a Sagittarius, happy birthday!

See also Living Czech.