Wednesday Covid cases fall slightly, but incidence number continues to rise

Wednesday saw 13,502 people test positive for COVID-19 in the Czech Republic according to Ministry of Health data. That is 1,000 fewer cases than on Tuesday, but roughly 4,000 more than on the same day last week.

Nearly 3,500 coronavirus patients are currently hospitalised in the Czech Republic, of which 524 are in serious condition. Tuesday saw 56 people die of COVID-19 in the country, bringing the total epidemic death toll up to 31,289.

The incidence number - the average number of new cases per 100,000 people in the population over the past seven days - rose by 38 compared to Tuesday. The worst averages are currently registered in Moravia and Silesia. The same incidence number average indicates that the Karlovy Vary Region is currently faring the best with a weekly average of 210 cases.