Vaclav Klaus launches his own website

Vaclav Klaus

As of October 9, 2000, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and chairman of the Civic Democratic Party, Vaclav Klaus, has his own website. This may not sound like much of a surprise to foreign observers, but it definitely is here in the Czech Republic, says Olga Szantova:

The Internet as such started off somewhat late in the Czech Lands, and many people are still struggling to get used to it. For some time two of the most outspoken web skeptics were opposition leader Vaclav Klaus

Vaclav Klaus
and Prime Minister Milos Zeman. The latter recently answered a journalist's question about his attitude to the Internet, saying that he was busy being prime minister and did not have time for such things. As for Vaclav Klaus, here are some of his quotations on the topic of the Internet:

"I am not one of those who see the Internet as the discovery of the century, as something essential, of great importance, something I could not live without. The Internet is no salvation, just a helper. Personally I do not use it, I'm from the old school."

Vaclav Klaus said that in 1998. And a year earlier, in 1997 he stated:

"I cannot join those who see the Internet, satellite TV, cellular telephones and other, similar inventions as a new era for mankind, the beginning of a new, better world."

Two years ago, Vaclav Klaus told a reporter that he had not learned to like the Internet and does not use it. That was two years ago. Well, change is inevitable and as of Monday, October 9th, you can click on and Vaclav Klaus, chewing thoughtfully on his glasses, will pop up on the screen in front of you.

In the introduction to his page, Mr. Klaus says that he has had a number of significant moments and important events in his life, and that he believes opening his websitee was one of them. Stressing that this is the page of citizen Vaclav Klaus, not that of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies nor the Chairman of the Civic Democratic Party, its author states that he has learned the usefulness of this new media. "They say I do not like the Internet, that information technology means nothing to me. That is not true", says Vaclav Klaus, adding that he takes a realistic and pragmatic view of the world, but he does not like fashionable trends. He values things around him according to their significance and the value of some things increases over time. That is why he is on the Internet now.

You can read his biography, a list of his published books, the most important articles published, interviews, all in all eleven links, all at your disposal. But only in Czech, for the moment, that is.

Author: Olga Szantová
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