UNICEF: Three out of 10 Czech children don't like going to school

Three out of ten Czech children don’t like going to school, mostly because they don’t enjoy learning, suggests the annual UNICEF Young Voices survey conducted by STEM/MARK agency.

Among the reasons cited are too many exams, grades and a lot of homework, relations with classmates, bad teachers or having to get up early. One in eight schoolchildren said that they would like to move out of Czechia when they grow up.

Three-fifths of the children who like going to school cited seeing friends as the reason, while less than half of them said they enjoyed learning. Only six percent of those who like school mentioned good teachers.

The results of the survey, conducted among 413 children last August and September, were presented at a special children's press conference on Monday, which was attended by schoolchildren, government representatives and the head of UNICEF's Czech office, Pavla Gomba.

Author: Ruth Fraňková