Trade gap narrows down in April

The Czech foreign trade in April ended with a deficit of 40 million USD as compared to the 300 million deficit in the same period of 2001. The result is significantly better than expected. Economic analysts had predicted a deficit of around 200 million dollars in April, approximately the same as in March.

The Czech foreign trade in April ended with a deficit of 40 million USD as compared to the 300 million deficit in the same period of 2001. The result is significantly better than expected. Economic analysts had predicted a deficit of around 200 million dollars in April, approximately the same as in March. Experts attribute the positive development to the relatively strong Czech currency and to a decrease of commodity prices on world markets. The April result is a one off and came as a surprise. A wide foreign trade gap has been a long-term problem of the Czech economy and according to Martin Tlapa, the head of the Czech government's CzechTrade export agency, it is a deep rooted one.