TOP 09 and Civic Democrats will not back early elections as long as they can form majority

The two biggest parties in the outgoing government, the Civic Democrats and TOP 09, say they will not vote for the dissolution of Parliament and early elections as long as they have enough support to win a confidence vote. On Tuesday they said they had gathered 101 signatures in support of Miroslava Němcová of the Civic Democrats, who had been their candidate for PM. That number would be enough to give them a majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

President Zeman said on Tuesday that he would consider appointing Miroslava Němcová if Jiří Rusnok’s government failed to win support.

The president has two chances to appoint a prime minister and if that PM’s government does not win a confidence vote within 30 days of being named, it is the turn of the speaker of the lower house to appoint a prime minister. Mrs. Němcová holds that position.

The smallest party in the outgoing coalition, LIDEM, backed their hitherto partners on Tuesday. However, they have also said they would not rule out supporting the Rusnok government in a confidence vote.

Author: Ian Willoughby