Third ICCFM congress to discuss the significance of the family in the third millenium

The third European congress of the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements opened on Wednesday at the Roman Catholic Archbishop's Seminary in Prague. Till Sunday, some 130 delegates, mostly married couples from more than 20 countries and from various different world churches, will be discussing issues under one main theme - "The Significance of the family in the new millenium." Alena Skodova has the details:

The congress is called every third year by the European Presidium of Christian Family Movements, and Prague has been chosen mainly because of its location, enabling participants from Eastern and Central Europe to meet the traditional members of the movement coming from all parts of the world. Before the opening ceremony I spoke with two of them, Gary Aitchison from Iowa and Peter Broeren from Pennsylvania. I asked them first what would be the main topics discussed here in Prague?