Temelin back on-line after automatic shutdown


By Daniela Lazarova.

The Temelin nuclear power station went back on-line in the early hours of Monday morning, 48 hours after safety systems automatically closed the reactor down. Initial reports claimed problems with the plant's condenser pumps were to blame, although the Nuclear Energy Agency said later that the shutdown was actually caused by software error. The agency's chairwoman, Dana Drabkova, told reporters that the problem was a minor glitch, and posed no threat to safety.

But Friday's incident was the 3rd automatic shutdown at Temelin since the plant went into trial operation in October. Austrian anti-nuclear activists say the shutdown is further proof that their protests are justified, and have intensified their demands that the controversial power plant be closed down for a thorough inspection. Vaclav Zak is editor-in-chief of the political bi-monthly Listy, who has been following developments at Temelin closely. Earlier today Daniela Lazarova asked him whether he believed the incident was a cause for concern.