Survey: More Czechs apportion blame equally in Middle East conflict than to either side

More Czechs attribute responsibility for the current escalation of the conflict in the Middle East to Palestine (22 percent) than to Israel (6 percent), according to a survey published by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM). However, the largest number (40 percent) place the blame equally on both sides, the poll found. More people than in the past blame somebody for the conflict other than the main two actors involved. More than 20 percent have no opinion on the matter.

Almost half of the respondents, 47 percent, agreed that Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip are justified, while 26 percent disagreed. Fewer respondents, 34 percent, rated Israel's response to the Hamas attack on their country in October as proportionate, while a slightly larger number, 37 percent, thought it was not. There was also a relatively high proportion of people, ranging from 25 to 30 percent, who were undecided on questions regarding the legitimacy and proportionateness of Israel's response.

Author: Anna Fodor