STEM election prediction: ANO will have over 35% in 2025 elections
The ANO movement would now clearly win the 2025 elections to the Chamber of Deputies with 35.1% of the vote, according to the latest election model of the STEM Research Institute. The ruling Spolu coalition would come in second by a wide margin, with 18.8% of voters. The Mayors and Independents (STAN) would come in third with 10.6%.
The model also predicts that the opposition party Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD), the Pirates and the Stačilo! coalition would also enter the Chamber of Deputies, while the Motorists would remain below the required 5% threshold. The current election model gives the Motorists 4.1%, while the leftwing SOCDEM party has the support of 2.8% of voters, and the Oath party (Přísaha) and the Greens each have 2.1%.