SPD to cooperate with three parties in 2025 elections

The opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy party (SPD) will run in the autumn parliamentary elections together with the Svoboda, Trikolora and Právo Respekt Odbornost parties. The leaders of the four parties today presented a memorandum of cooperation on the roof of Hotel Rott in central Prague. In their view, the alliance will prevent the threat of losing votes and ensure stronger representation in the Chamber of Deputies.

According to the agreement, representatives of the smaller parties will be on the SPD candidate lists, and they plan to establish a joint parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies. In the memorandum, the parties commit to asking public opinion research agencies to add up the preferences for all four parties together from now on. Furthermore, the grouping should also not organise a campaign to gain preferential votes at the expense of its partners.

Author: Danny Bate