Social Democrats want Prague Castle to be exempt from church restitution but PM confirms any steps will be up to next government

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Bohuslav Sobotka, has called on Prime Minister Jiří Rusnok to pass a new law which would suspend church restitutions for a year and would leave all the buildings at Prague Castle in the care of the state. Mr Sobotka argued that Prague Castle as a site was a symbol of the Czech state and that no buildings that make up the complex should belong to the Church. When meeting with Cardinal Dominik Duka earlier this week, Mr Rusnok said that this is not a pressing issue and stressed that there was no need for legislative steps.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Rusnok reaffirmed his position at a press conference making clear that questions over Church restitution and Prague Castle would not be up to his cabinet but up to the next government to decide. The outgoing justice, interior and culture ministers will, at the same time, prepare possible alternative solutions.

Author: Jan Velinger