Social Democrats distance themselves from Rusnok cabinet

The opposition Social Democrats have asked those of its party members who have accepted posts in the Rusnok cabinet to leave the party. Party leader Bohuslav Sobotka on Monday reiterated that the Social Democrats were not involved in this attempt to form a government and those party members who chose to join the Rusnok cabinet should make a clean break from the party. Mr. Sobotka said earlier that the caretaker cabinet emerging was not a government of experts but of President Zeman’s close allies in the Citizens’ Rights Party he founded. The Social Democrats have openly asked for a second attempt to form a cabinet, should the Rusnok administration fail to win a vote of confidence. The Social Democrats who have accepted such an offer are Marie Benešová, who is to serve as justice minister, Jan Kohout who has nodded to the foreign ministry portfolio and František Koníček who is to be social affairs minister.