Šlouf struck off candidates’ list

The controversial political “lobbyist” Miroslav Šlouf who was to head the Citizens’ Rights Party - Zemanites’ Prague ballot in October’s general elections has been scratched off the party’s candidates’ list. Mr. Šlouf himself admitted that he had been replaced as Prague leader following a stormy meeting of the party leadership on Thursday night. He said he would consult lawyers about the move. In a press briefing on its election candidates on Friday, the party stated that outgoing Transport Minister Zdeněk Žák will be Prague election leader.

A one-time chief political advisor to President Miloš Zeman, Miroslav Šlouf did not want to comment but, according to the Czech News Agency, called the party leadership “fools”. Mr Šlouf remains a highly controversial figure – a former communist believed to have enormous influence and connections to the underworld who has been linked to many political scandals and shady deals. Although he is credited with Mr. Zeman’s election victory, the president has publicly distanced himself from his former advisor.

Author: Jan Velinger