Síkela: EU solidarity key in facing down possible Russian gas cut-off

Ensuring solidarity in light of the expected limitations or total shut-down of Russian gas deliveries to the EU ranks among the hardest challenges of the Czech presidency of the Council of the European Union, Industry and Trade Minister Jozef Síkela told MEPs in his speech at the European Parliament on Wednesday. Czechia hopes to advance negotiations on joint EU energy purchases during its presidency.

According to Vice-Premier and Regional Development Minister Ivan Bartoš, who also spoke in Strasbourg, the EU’s move away from Russian energy supplies should be partially financed from the funds allocated for investment in the less developed regions of the European Union. However, he stressed that it is important not to divert too much of these funds from their original purpose.

Both members of the Czech government attended a hearing of the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy during which they faced questions from MEPs on how exactly member states are prepared for a shut-down of Russian gas deliveries.

Member countries do not yet have a unified view on how to tackle the issue. Mr Síkela is expected to chair an extraordinary meeting on the subject with his EU colleagues in two weeks’ time.