Sex helpline upgraded to cover sexual orientation and gender identity concerns

Gender identity concerns

A sex help line operated by the National Institute of Mental Health, which initially focused on sexual behavior and dysfunctions, has now been upgraded to cover sexual orientation and gender identity. I asked the institute’s Adam Schreier to explain what the National Helpline for Sexual and Gender Health offers and who it is meant to serve.        

Helpline | Illustrative photo: Tumisu,  Pixabay,  Pixabay License

“Our helpline is confidential and offers crisis intervention, basic information and support to people who are over 16 and have problems or questions with regard to their sexuality or gender identity.”

In what way is it different from the helpline operated before?

“Before there was no helpline focusing on a broad concept of sexuality. I think this helpline is unique on a global scope. Whereas overseas they usually have helplines which focus on LGBT or sexual dysfunctions, this helpline puts those topics together and offers complex help and even redirections to health or social care.”

Do you feel that that there is a growing need for this among young people – to address gender identity issues?

“I don’t know if there is a growing need, however we know that people who have questions regarding their sexuality or gender identity often struggle with those questions and therefore it is needed.”

National Institute of Mental Health in Klecany near Prague | Photo: National Institute of Mental Health

Is this a sort of “first aid” where you direct people to further counselling?

“Yes and no, crisis intervention is mainly to help the person deal with the crisis and to prevent severe problems in the future. This might or might not involve further social or health care. We tend to respect individual needs. So if the person does not really want to go any further –we don’t push them. It depends on them and their needs.”

And it is totally confidential?

“Yes, it is. We don’t even see their phone numbers.”

Can friends and family also call for advice if they are worried about someone?

Illustrative photo: Khalil Baalbaki,  Czech Radio

“They can, and not only if they are worried, but also if they have questions, if they have doubts if their close person is for example gay or transgender and they don’t know how to address the issue. They can discuss it with us and maybe even make a plan how to open the topic and discuss it with the person in question.”

Is it a 24-hour helpline?

“Unfortunately no, but you can reach us on workdays, on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12 to 8pm and on Tuesday and Thursday from 8am to 4pm. And you can find more information at”

The National Helpline for Sexual and Gender Health (314 004 002) offers a safe environment where people can talk openly with professionals about their emotions and issues around their sexuality and identity. The line operates on work days only.

  • Monday - Wednesday - Friday:  12pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 8am to 4pm

For more information go to: