Senat chairman Sobotka to see President Klaus over presidential elections

The chairman of the Czech Senate Premysl Sobotka wants to see President Vaclav Klaus to discuss the date of the coming presidential election. President Klaus was elected on 27th February 2003 and some constitutional experts say his term expires on the same day in 2008. The Czech president is elected for a five years' term and can only be elected two times in a row. The date of the presidential elections is declared by the Czech Parliament. Vaclav Klaus has already said he would run for the position again and he can rely on the support by the Civic Democrats, the leading party in the government. Other parties have also begun searching for a suitable opponent for Mr. Klaus and Jiri Dienstbier, former Czech foreign minister, has already said he was prepared to face Vaclav Klaus in the elections next year.

Author: Jan Richter