With Prime Minister Petr Nečas stepping down, there are a still a number of different scenarios according to which the current government crisis may be resolved. What is…
This week marks the end of the first 100 days in office for President Miloš Zeman. Radio Prague spoke with political analyst Jiří Pehe about what was surprising about…
Talks are continuing at Prague City Hall between former coalition partners the Civic Democrats and TOP 09. On Monday, the latter withdrew from their coalition agreement…
They were supposed to have buried the hatchet a week ago but a clash between Czech President Miloš Zeman and the country’s foreign minister, Karel Schwarzenberg, was…
The Social Democrats chose a new leadership at a closely-watched congress at the weekend. The conference re-elected Bohuslav Sobotka as chairman to lead the country’s main…
A group of prominent intellectuals, including writer Ivan Klíma and journalist Bohumil Doležal, have slammed the new president for a comment on the media he made in last…
The Czech Senate voted on Monday afternoon to file charges of treason against the outgoing president Václav Klaus. Heads of all of the ruling coalition parties have…
The first Czech direct presidential election has divided the nation like never before. In the heated campaign ahead of the election’s second round, leftist Miloš Zeman…
Miloš Zeman’s victory in the country’s first direct presidential election has highlighted some deep divisions in Czech society. A large part of the future president’s…
Without actually naming any names, the outgoing Czech president, Václav Klaus, appears to have endorsed Miloš Zeman ahead of the second round of the election to succeed…
The first round of the Czech presidential election was considerably more exciting than many had predicted. A poor showing by long-time poll leader Jan Fischer saw him…
President Václav Klaus has hit back at critics of his New Year’s Day amnesty, giving public broadcaster Czech Television an exclusive statement in which he accused his…
The opposition Social Democrats and Communists dominated the regional elections and the first round of voting to a third of the Senate held in the Czech Republic at the…
In January 2013, Czechs will for the first time in history elect their president. Polling stations will open on January 11 for the first round of voting, the second round…
A growing conflict within the senior coalition Civic Democrat party is threatening to topple the government of Prime Minister Petr Nečas. Some Civic Democrat MPs have…
The Party of Civic Rights established in 2010 around the former Social Democrat prime minister Miloš Zeman is slowly gaining strength. According to opinion surveys it…
It took weeks for the new Justice Minister Pavel Blažek to decide but in the end, on Monday, he appointed state attorney Lenka Bradáčová high state attorney at the state…
As Czechs are slowly digesting the shocking case of the Social Democrat politician David Rath, more details emerge about his arrest and the crime he allegedly committed…
The Czech government has survived a vote of confidence in the lower house of Parliament. On Friday, 105 out of 198 deputies voted in its support. The vote revealed that…
Although opinion polls indicate that the vast majority of Czechs would like to see early elections, embattled Prime Minister Petr Nečas has decided to try and weather the…
The leadership of the junior coalition party Public Affairs is meeting to debate the outcome of last week’s trial in which the party’s informal leader Vít Bárta was found…
Talks between the ruling government coalition’s Civic Democrats and junior partner Public Affairs on Thursday failed to produce a solution to disputes within the coalition…
Prague police have charged the controversial lobbyist Roman Janoušek with menacing behaviour due to intoxication as well as grievous bodily harm. On Friday, Mr Janoušek…
Thousands of people gathered for anti-government protests following a call from the heterogeneous protest group Holešovská výzva, or Holešovská appeal. Among their main…
Voters in neighbouring Slovakia made a powerful statement at the weekend when they handed an overwhelming victory to the centre-left party SMER, which now has a strong…