Report: Up to a tenth of Czechs drink excessively every day
Up to 10% of Czechs over 15, which is around 900,000 people, drink excessive amounts of alcohol on a daily basis, according to a fresh report by the National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions. The economic impact is estimated at CZK 80 billion annually, about 1% of GDP. According to the report, alcohol accounts for 6% of deaths. Around 275,000 people combine alcohol with drugs, while up to 1.4 million abuse sedatives or opioids.
Almost a quarter of 15-year-olds, 5% of 13-year-olds and less than 1% of 11-year-olds have been drunk repeatedly. According to the report, the studies confirm that girls are beginning to match boys in drinking. Between 2014 and 2020, the rate of daily drinking fluctuated, with a slight increase last year after a brief decline.