For rabbits’ amusement


Hello and welcome to SoundCzech – Radio Prague’s Czech language programme where you can learn Czech phrases through music lyrics. Today’s song is called Králíci (Rabbits) by the hard rock band Kabát. The phrase to look out for is pro srandu králíků – for rabbits’ amusement.

In the song Kabát frontman Pepa Vojtek complains he’s not only here for rabbits’ entertainment: But when might you use the saying? There are two examples I can think of: one, when you complete a task only to discover it’s no longer needed. Two, when you inadvertently make an ass of yourself.

Example. You learn a file you were working on is no longer needed. Under such circumstances you might complain that your efforts were pro srandu králíků– completely wasted. You did it only for the rabbits. And as anyone knows, rabbits hardly deserve the effort! They are perfectly capable of entertaining themselves! The way of describing such a situation in English might be by saying the situation is for the birds.

On the other hand, být pro srandu králíků also implies you’ve made a perfect fool of yourself. You’re the butt end of a joke and even the rabbits get it. In the song Králíci Pepa Vojtek sings: the first rabbit took one look at me and began to laugh… He doesn’t like that one bit. Who would? There’s nothing pleasant about being a terč posměchu– a laughingstock or a target of derision. Once in a while, of course, it happens to everyone.

Who hasn’t seen a colleague who mismatched his shoes in the rush to get to work? Or run out of the house with shaving cream still behind one’s ears? Ever pulled out of the drive with your briefcase perched on the roof? That’s something not only the neighbours but even the rabbits will no doubt find funny. Pro srandu králíků: you might think you’re nobody’s fool but you’re mistaken.

Let’s not forget that Kabát are a hard rock band and so it it’s hardly surprising the singer opts for a rather drastic solution. Silly rabbit, you really shouldn’t have laughed!

Now I don’t want to be morbid – especially at Easter - and go into what happens to the bunnies in the song but ever seen Fatal Attraction? Poor little bunnies: hey, Pepa Vojtek, what’s the matter with you? Can’t you take a joke?!