Prosecutor proposes suspended sentences for Nečas and his wife in bribery case

The public prosecutor has proposed a suspended sentence of two and a half years and a fine of CZK 500 000 for former Prime Minister Petr Nečas, and suspended sentences of two years and fines of CZK 400,000 for Mr Nečas's wife and the third defendant in the case, the former deputy at the Ministry of Agriculture, Roman Boček. The trio is being prosecuted for bribery, for which they face up to six years in prison. All deny any blame.

The former prime minister, his then head of cabinet and now wife Jana Nečasová (formerly Nagyová), and Mr Boček promised MPs Mark Šnajdra, Petar Tluchoř and Ivan Fuks lucrative positions in return for giving up their mandate and passing a government tax package. The case contributed to the fall of the Nečas government in 2013.

The former prime minister has already received a one-year probation and a fine of CZK 100 000 for falsely testifying in favour of his wife.

Author: Anna Fodor