Prime Minister slams police president amidst row over political interference
Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas has slammed the head of the country’s police service, Petr Lessy, over a letter that was issued to subordinates on Sunday. In it, Lessy called on fellow officers to resist political pressures while investigating cases of corruption. The letter came in the wake of accusations by Lessy that Finance Minister Miroslav Kalousek had pressured him over a controversial arms sale investigation. Reflecting on Sunday’s pronouncement, the PM called the remarks incompatible with Lessy’s position as police president and stated that Lessy must decide whether he is becoming a “political activist” rather than a politician. Reacting to the comments Social Democrat head Bohuslav Sobotka accused the Civic Democrats of being afraid of a truly independent police service. Czech president Václav Klaus has invited Lessy for an in person discussion between the two men at noon on Wednesday.