Prime Minister Paroubek on official visit to Japan

The Czech Prime Minister, Jiri Paroubek, on an official visit to Japan, met with his Japanese counterpart Junichiro Koizumi and Japanese businessmen on Wednesday. Speaking to journalists in Tokyo, Mr Paroubek said Japanese companies intend to continue investing in the Czech Republic but do not plan any projects as big as the recent opening of a Toyota and Peugeot Citroen TCPA production plant in the town of Kolin.

The 153 Japanese investors currently active in the Czech Republic have invested some two billion US dollars and created tens of thousands of new work places. Mr Paroubek also discussed the possible introduction of direct flights between the two countries. Some 150,000 Japanese tourists visited the Czech Republic last year. Before Mr Paroubek leaves for China on Sunday, he is also scheduled to meet Japanese Emperor Akihito.

Author: Dita Asiedu