Press Review

The determined rescue efforts that went into saving a group of eleven Russian miners trapped 700 metres underground for six long days has been a closely watched story - and today's papers finally bring relief - the struggle is over and the blackened, tired faces of the rescued miners look out from the front pages. It was a nightmare but it is over, one of them says.

The determined rescue efforts that went into saving a group of eleven Russian miners trapped 700 metres underground for six long days has been a closely watched story - and today's papers finally bring relief - the struggle is over and the blackened, tired faces of the rescued miners look out from the front pages. It was a nightmare but it is over, one of them says.

Illustrative photo: archive of Radio Prague
On the domestic front it is the UNICEF report warning of rampant child prostitution in Czech border towns which holds the fore. Although Czech politicians and the mayors of some of these towns have rejected the claims as unrealistic, the papers are not so sure.

It would be unwise and short sighted to dismiss these claims outright, says Mlada Fronta Dnes. Prostitution is certainly rampant in the border regions - and child prostitution would inevitably be much harder to detect. The warnings which have originated in neighbouring Germany should be taken seriously and the two neighbouring countries should cooperate in solving the problem.

Lidove Noviny also harbours some doubts in the face of politicians' assurances that all is well. Is it then all a lie? Are our children really safe? If so, the paper says what about the fact that once in a while the Czech and German police announce a successful crack down on a child prostitution ring?

Pravo reports that the health ministry has given the green light to stem cell therapy in the Czech Republic. Although still in its early stages, the effects of stem cell therapy are expected to be far reaching. Stem cells, transplanted from the patient's bone marrow have the ability to develop into any other type of cell, and replace damaged liver, lung or kidney cells. Doctors say stem cell therapy may help to reduce the number of transplants in the future and may enable people paralyzed by spinal injuries to regain their mobility.

Pravo warns readers that a geomagnetic sun-storm culminating on Thursday may cause irritation, headaches and fatigue, but if readers get a headache over their morning paper it is far more likely to be caused by a report on the front page of Lidove Noviny according to which big firms such as the power utility CEZ, Telecom and Skoda are preparing to lay off up to 35 thousand employees at the end of the year.