Press Review

Most of Tuesday's papers lead with the arrest of the TV Nova mogul Vladimir Zelezny, who has been charged with damaging the interests of a creditor by illegally transferring property. And several dailies carry photos of George W. Bush with a large graze on his cheek - "Bush Almost Killed By Pretzel" reads the headline in Pravo.

As the petition against the Czech Temelin nuclear power station got underway in Austria on Monday, Mlada fronta Dnes interviewed a pensioner who was signing the petition in Vienna. The man said he was signing for the children. Czechs have kids too, said the man - wasn't Chernobyl enough for them?

A Czech woman is teaching the Japanese and the Filipinos how to brew beer according to the tried and tested Central European formula, writes Mlada fronta Dnes. Jana Hajnikova from the south Bohemian town of Humpolec has been working in the brewing industry in the Far East for five years. She is currently working on a new beer in Manila - it's name - Praha.

Lidove noviny's health section reports on the results of the controversial anti-cancer treatment known as devitalisation, in which cutting off the supply of blood is supposed to cause a tumour to wither away, thereby curing the disease. The paper carries an interview with a man who was facing amputation of his right hand due to cancer. He learned about devitalisation from TV and underwent the procedure twice. I'm not completely healthy but I do have my hand, he told the daily.

While Pravo carries a photo of skiers enjoying ideal weather conditions in the Krkonose mountains, Mlada fronta Dnes reports that snowboarders and skiers have been banned from Prague's Petrin hill, which overlooks the Mala Strana district. In recent years winter sports enthusiasts have done serious damage to the orchards on Petrin, the paper says.

Lidove noviny is one of the many papers which report on the court case which the singer Helena Vondrackova lost against the journalist Jan Rejzek. Mr Rejzek had accused Mrs Vondrackova, who is in her 50s, of signing the Communist-organised anti-charter, which was a reply to the dissident Charter 77.

He also wrote that Mrs Vondrackova's successful comeback was due to her continuing contacts with what he called the mafia which controlled the music media in the 1970s and 80s. Helena Vondrackova denied both charges and took Mr Rejzek to court, demanding an apology. By the way, Jan Rejzek is photographed with his lawyer - none other than the leader of the Freedom Union, Hana Marvanova.

"Men lose their heads at hairdressers" runs a headline in Pravo. It seems the manager of a hairdressers in Olomouc has come up with an unusual way to attract male customers - semi-naked hairdressers. The daily carries a photo of one blonde hairdresser whose top half is covered by nothing more than a loose apron. I run camps for kids, so why not have a hairdressers for guys? said the owner.